Guidelines for Authors


Main articles or essays should not exceed 7500 words, while commentaries should not exceed 2500 words, including any notes but excluding references.
Submissions are to be electronic only, (using Microsoft Word or RTF format) through the journal’s home page and should contain:

  1. A separate title page containing the name, address (including e-mail address) of each author.
  2. An abstract of not more than 150 words followed by six key words before the main text.
  3. Only graphics in TIFF or EPS format with a minimum resolution of 600dpi for Line art and 266dpi for halftones.
  4. References (Author-Date style is preferred) or appropriate end notes and bibliography (i.e. Documentary style which is much less preferred) are to follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, 2003. (
  5. Double quotations set off all quotations less than two lines; otherwise quotations are to be set off separately with double indentation.
  6. End notes are requested to be without extracts, graphs and paragraphing.
  7. Separate accompanying documents at the time of submission are: a list containing each author’s important interests contributory to the article; the contributions of each author; and a declaration signed by each author that the essential substance of the submission has not been published before and is not being considered by any other journal.
  8. On acceptance of a work, author(s) shall be required to sign a document relinquishing the rights of the publication to the publishers.

It is a principle of the journal to place emphases on articles with significant theoretical or social bioethical potential impact, backed by rigorous logic and presented in clear and delightful fashion. Articles in this category with global or cross cultural advantages will be given priority.