About the Journal

The Center for Bioethics and Research has launched her online journal - Bioethics Online (BeOnline®). This Journal contributes to the subject of Bioethics in the world.

The focus of this journal is to add the voice of Africans and researchers in Africa to the debate about clinical and research ethics primarily in and from Africa, and in the world at large


Guidelines for Authors


Please ensure that: Your submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Read more about Guidelines for Authors

Current Issue

Vol. 3 (2016): BeOnline ® Journal of the Center for Bioethics and Research
					View Vol. 3 (2016): BeOnline ® Journal of the Center for Bioethics and Research

BeOnline® Journal of the Center for Bioethics and Research seeks to increase the contribution of African bioethicists and bioethicists working in Africa to the international discourse on bioethics and increase discussions about bioethics issues as they relate to Africa. It mobilizes research that speaks to a range of scholars in bioethics and welcomes supplemental submissions from the fields of public health, medicine, political science, religious studies, sociology, languages, anthropology, law, communications, media, literature, philosophy and history. Given that bioethical issues arise at all levels of society, the journal encourages multi-disciplinary debate on such issues and aims to shed light on research ethics concerns. While BeOnline® Journal embraces submissions across a range of research perspectives; it especially encourages work that employs empirical research methods to enhance critical understandings of bioethical theory and practice. BeOnline® Journal seeks innovative, creative perspectives and forms of writing, and welcomes new challenges. 

Published: 2016-11-21

BeOnline® Journal of the Center for Bioethics and Research

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BeOnline® is an open-access online journal of the Center for Bioethics and Research, 102, Basorun Road, Ashi, Ibadan. It is being established to encourage the development of bioethics, increase the contributions of Africa based bioethicists to the International Discourse on Bioethics and increase discussions about bioethics issues as they relate to Africa. The journal will take advantage of recent developments in information technology not only to enhance communication but also to improve the development, acceptance, review and publication of the manuscripts.